Monday, January 29, 2007

First Look Book wins award

[Update: January 29, 2007]
The First Look Office 2007 System book recently won a Distinguished award at the Society for Technical Communications. That's a great honor! My editor, Val (who is a talented photographer as well) sent the packet today. This book was one of the most challenging I've ever written because of the fast-changing nature of Office 2007 as it went through it's alpha and beta cycles. So many Office program managers took time to give me information, details, backstory, and interviews. It was a book unlike any other. I'm glad others are enjoying it too!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New content on Windows Vista

[January 2007] Have you tried Windows Vista yet? I've been doing a lot of writing about it, covering the launch events, campaigns, and release festivities. Most recently I created all the content for the Windows Vista Community site, which is timed to go live at the same time Windows Vista Consumer launch happens (at the end of this month). I'll post the link when the site is up and running.

Over on the Windows Vista site right now, the team is running the "Show us your Wow" campaign, inviting people all over the world to submit video clips, poetry, images, what-have-you to share a moment in their lives when they knew everything had changed (that's Bill Gates' definition of a "Wow" moment). Click here if you're interested in sharing your own moment or you want to review what others are submitting. "Wow" moments are all around us--the birth of our children, the accomplishments of important goals, transforming realizations, special relationships, new inventions, medical breakthroughs, and more. The message that Windows Vista will change everything is coming through loud and clear.