Gratitude :)
This morning marks the anniverary of an important day for me, and I've been thinking about all the great people I've been blessed to work with over the last few years. Whether I've provided print or web content, editing, indexing, or layout (or the softer-but-vitally-important services of guidance, encouragement, training, and experience), I am deeply thankful to these clients for the great work (and many experiences) we've created together:
- Microsoft Corporation (Sheri, Theresa, Nick, and Aaron!)
- Microsoft Press (Juliana, Lynn, Val, Sandra, and Lucinda)
- Emergent Learning (Chris and Jen)
- (Bruce, Ben, and Scott)
- Peachpit Press (Karen et al)
- John Wiley & Sons (everybody who worked on Fundraising for Dummies)
- Pearson Education (Hi Tyrrell!)
- Sony Digital Media(Chris and Rob)
- Earlham School of Religion (Tim and Jay)
- The Center on Philanthropy (Pat and Lilya)
And a whole boatload (or should that be Cooper-load?) of gratitude to Claudette, at Moore Literary Agency. Here's to continuing great work, good friends, and meaningful connections for us all. :) Katherine