Happy 20th, reVisions Plus!
April 1, 2007 marked the beginning of reVisions Plus, Inc.'s 20th year. It's amazing to me that 20 years has passed already! Here's a list of some of the bigger benchmarks during that time:
- Wrote and published more than 60 books (!) in technology, parenting, and business genres
- Wrote the documentation for Microsoft Office 2003 Small Business/Pro and Microsoft Office 2007
- Edited and/or developed dozens (and dozens!) of books for high-quality publishers
- Designed and packaged books for a number of clients
- Moderated forums on fundraising and technology
- Wrote dozens of articles related to culture, parenting, technology, and faith
- Blogged about just about everything under the sun!
- Have been blessed to develop client relationships all over the world with terrific, smart, and creative people
When I started this business 20 years ago, I hoped to be able to earn a living using my writing ability so that I could stay home and care for my kids the way I wanted to. That hope became a reality, and now we're starting on the second generation with baby Ruby! I'm very happy in my work and am grateful for the freedom, flexibiliy, and positive energy reVisions Plus brings me. Thanks to all of you for the opportunity to write for (and sometimes with) you; I look forward to us having (at least) another 20 years together! :)