February article: Improve Staff Communications
Hello again! I hope 2005 is progressing well for you. We've just finished and posted the second of our year-long series of articles. This article, "Improve Staff Communications," is about meeting the challenge of improving communications in your workplace--whether you are a team member, a team leader, a manager, or a remote worker. We all need to get along in order to accomplish anything--and sometimes that's easier than others! The ideas in this article help you think about the ways in which you communicate and understand others you are trying to communicate with; plus you'll find some tips for smoothing out the process and encouraging improvements across the board. You can read the article by clicking here: February article.
As always, please email us with any ideas, questions, or tips you'd like to submit for next month's article. Our topic for March will be "Know Your Audience."
See you then!